Three young people talking about their professional experience in the Language Assistants Program

Ben Jones (Liverpool)


"Amo las clases que doy. ¡Es increíble tener la oportunidad de hacerse amigos al otro lado del mundo! ¡Las empanadas, el mate y el dulce de leche ahora son vitales para que pueda sobrevivir!"

"I definitely developed skills of creativity, critical thinking, communication and leadership. My overall experience as an assistant was fantastic. From the students whom I taught and became friends with to the beautiful city I was placed in. I knew before I came about mate but I was still shocked by just how common it is! The experience in Argentina was fun, beneficial and exciting. I loved the two schools I worked at, Salta as a place is beautiful and I felt very lucky to have been placed here".

Claudia Lussana (Surrey) 

La Plata

"Ya creo que esta experiencia me ha convertido en una persona mucho más fuerte e independiente, y una persona que está lista para abordar y superar cualquier cosa que la vida le depare".

"During our sessions together, not only did my students' confidence grow remarkably, but the improvement in their English was huge. Feel like over the last six months I have developed and grown hugely as an individual. Perhaps the biggest challenge was simply keeping up with the Argentine lifestyle. Never in my life have I come across such warm and giving people. What’s more, six months on, I have acquired more adoptive families than I can count, a good few centimetres on my waistline, and even an Argentine cat named Mafalda. Argentine culture is certainly unique; from their infamous asados, to their warm nature and ability to speak at approximately 100mph".

Leé más de su experiencia en su blog.

Cuatro experiencias de británicos en Argentina, parte del Programa para Asistentes de Idioma
Cuatro paisajes argentinos tomados del Programa para Asistentes de Idioma - Británicos en Argentina

Georgia Brady (Wirral, England)


"Esta experiencia me ayudó a crecer mucho personalmente, tuve que probar mucha nueva comida, hablar con mucha gente y adaptarme rápidamente a un ambiente nuevo. Gratificante. Desafiante. Revelador. ¡Muchas gracias por esta oportunidad! Me encantaron mis 6 meses en Corrientes".

"I gained a lot of resilience, ability to self-reflect and adapt to new situations quickly. I also gained lots of public speaking skills. I would sum up my experience as rewarding, I felt very well appreciated in every place I visited". Video.

Christopher Shah (Londres)


"Mudarte a otro país te hace superar los desafíos de acostumbrarte a una nueva cultura, conocer a nuevas personas y hacer nuevos amigos. Creo que ahora estoy más seguro, soy más tolerante y tenaz. Además, mi español ha mejorado mucho. Emocionante. Increíble. Invaluable. Hice excelentes amigos con los que sé que permaneceré en contacto. La mejor experiencia de mi vida".

"It has been a privilege to develop relationships with students and teachers alike, and share aspects of British culture as well as immerse myself completely in Argentine life. I had the best 6 months of my life in Argentina. I thoroughly enjoyed my experience as an assistant, made amazing, life-long friends, and travelled all over Argentina as well as to Brazil with the other assistants, whom I've also become very close to. It has truly been life-changing, I've had so many new experiences and my perspective on life has changed as a result. It was extremely hard to have to leave. In fact, I would have liked to have extended my assistantship for another few months. Empanadas, alfajores and the Sunday asado were my personal favorites.

Stay positive, put yourself out there, make the most of new experiences and opportunities to meet new people, and embrace cultural differences". 

Matt Sandys (Watford)

Resistencia, Chaco

"Duro. Desafiante. Impredecible". 

"My overall experience in Argentina was a roller-coaster. The highlights were visits to the interior of Chaco, travelling with the other British Councillors, and everything about being In Buenos Aires after the winter holidays".

Abigail Hartnell (Ingleton, North Yorkshire)

La Pampa

"Esta experiencia realmente me ayudó con el desarrollo de la lengua española y en la autoconciencia. Me hizo pensar si en el futuro voy a dedicarme a la enseñanza de idiomas, sea esta en inglés como lengua extranjera en otros países o español en mi país. ¡Vivir y trabajar en otro país es una oportunidad única! Ahora Argentina tiene un pedazo de mi corazón".

"In Argentina, especially in a small city like Santa Rosa it's very difficult to feel alone, as Argentinians are the most welcoming people I have ever met in my life. I was phased by the Argentine accent at first, however according to my friends I now speak "re argentino" so don't panic! I also joined a dance group which was a great way to keep dancing but also a fantastic way to meet people outside of work, I even ended up in a dance show.".

James T. Penry (Lancaster)

Rosario, Santa Fe

"Con las jornadas de apertura en Bueno Aires y la ayuda de mis referentes tuve toda la ayuda e información necesaria para realizar bien mi trabajo y adaptarme a una nueva cultura".

"I thoroughly enjoyed my overall experience working with the British Council in Argentina. I think the language assistant role gave me a fantastic blend of being able to teach English in institutes with very keen and motivated students whilst also having more than enough time to soak up the local culture in Rosario and experience a better insight into the everyday life of the city".

Alice Foster (Swindon)

Esquel, Chubut

"Challenging but unforgettable. I am very grateful to have experienced living, working and travelling around Argentina. It is such a diverse and interesting country with so much to offer. I quickly got used to living without baked beans and replacing them for several alfajores".

Hannah Furniss (Northampton)


"In Argentina I found myself teaching to normal sized classes of around 25-30 students, but other times holding workshops for groups of around 70. This has enormously helped my confidence in public speaking and in general and I know it is a skill which will be very useful in the future. I have of course developed my teaching skills, and now feel equipped with the knowledge on how to best approach different students and plan lessons which will be interesting and helpful to students".