Empowering ELT professionals

Peru and Chile, two countries in the Pacific Alliance, face similar contexts in the public education system: they have ambition for bilingualism, low English levels and not enough specialists or teachers qualified to make this change in education happen.

British Council Chile began implementing a successful Champion Teachers scheme in 2013 to empower English teachers to make change in the classroom possible thanks to the Exploratory Action Research, a model proposed by Dr. Richard Smith from the University of Warwick. In 2017, Chilean Master Mentor, Dr. Paula Rebolledo began the cascade model to Peru. Working in partnership with ministries of education, teacher researchers from both countries explore, interact and experience transformation in the classroom.

The programme allowed teachers to become independent, empowered decision makers to better teach English to thousands of students in their countries and become allies to their governments so as to reach national bilingual targets. Higher achievements in English language open opportunities for the UK Education sector to broaden their market positioning and increase inbound student mobility ratios.