We support peace and prosperity by building connections, understanding and trust between people in the UK and countries worldwide.
En 2024 se cumplen 90 años del British Council. A lo largo de estos años, hemos creado oportunidades para millones de personas y hemos desarrollado relaciones profundas y duraderas. Seguimos adaptándonos para satisfacer las necesidades de un mundo cambiante, al tiempo que mantenemos nuestro compromiso con los principios sobre los que nos fundamos.
We work directly with individuals to help them gain the skills, confidence and connections to transform their lives and shape a better world in partnership with the UK. We support them to build networks and explore creative ideas, to learn English, to get a high-quality education and to gain internationally recognised qualifications.
We have been working in Argentina since 1942. Every year we connect with thousands of artists, entrepreneurs, students, educators and academics in the country. In 2015, we incorporated a Remote Teaching Centre from where we teach to more than 27,000 public school students in Latin America. We are also a official centre for the IELTS exam and British universities and professional associations exams.